46 research outputs found

    Impact of Encryption on Qos in Voip

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    This paper studies the impact of different encryption algorithms on the quality of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Assuring Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the primary issues in any IP based application that examines the voice quality of VoIP. This paper examines QoS in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms along with firewalling at the IP layer. The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth available and encryption used. Findings include the need for the provision of bandwidth for encryption, and even when adequate bandwidth is provided encryption algorithms can increase lost packet ratios and packet latency, and reduce.Overall, the results indicate the implementation of encryption algorithms may degrade the voice quality even if bandwidth is adequate

    Secure and Mobile Multimedia Convergence

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    Voice over internet protocol on mobile devices

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VolP) is a way to carry out a telephone conversation over a data network. VoIP products promise converged telecommunications and data services that are cheaper, more versatile and provide good voice quality as compared to traditional offerings. Although VoIP is widely used, VoIP on mobile devices is still in its infancy. Currently, there are a number of VoIP solutions for mobile phones. However, VolP solutions developed using Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) are not available. Java based solutions are widely compatible with many devices. In this paper; strong focus has been granted to cross-device compatibility through the use of the widely supported J2ME framework. The implemtation details of VolP client using J2ME are illustrated

    Converged voice access to data (CVAD)

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    The rapid growth of the Internet and widespread use of mobile computing and telephony has resulted in a broad range of ways to communicate and access information. Data and telecommunications convergence promises a wide range of possible solutions that will increase productivity, reduce costs, and provide new opportunities and revenues for enterprises. However, such converged telecommunications and data services have been largely isolated to static environments where fixed Personal Computers (PC) and an Internet connection are used in conjunction with various software tools to simulate a pseudo converged session. Generally, data presented on the internet and in enterprise applications is not available on voice networks and vice-versa. Due to the versatile nature of today's enterprise, a feature-rich, flexible, adaptive and widely accessible convergence solution is required. This paper presents an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) driven approach that uses Converged Voice Access to Data (CVAD) services. The CVAD solution offers enhanced service effectiveness, flexibility and convenience for professionals on the move

    Re-configurable VoiP interactive response

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    Organizational alliances are rapidly being formed as a means for effective cooperation with a common goal within a targeted value chain. The combination of such communication, coordination and cooperation leads to new organisational forms and scenarios within the Digital Ecosystem space that require technological support. Convergence refers to the move towards concurrently coupled telecommunications services with enterprise and internet data.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a telecommunications solution that uses a data network such as the internet to transport voice traffic. VoIP data is transported alongside other data over an existing network. VoIP has introduced significant cost savings, functionality and convenience that is functionally comparable to traditional telecommunication offerings. However, current IT&T solutions have failed to use this powerful technology beyond simple telephony applicattoos.This paper presents a flexible VoIP Interactive Voice Response (IVR) interface that offers simplified convergence of telecommunications services that are coupled with enterprise and internet data

    Prototype Design and Analysis of Wireless Vibration Sensor

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    Since the technology era began, sensor systems have been frequently updated. In order to keep the sensor up to date, components are designed using a modular approach that can be updated with the latest technology. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the design of a vibration sensor that integrates an enhanced Mechanism for Hardware Health Monitoring (MHHM). The design achieves the digitizing, wireless communication and modularity aspects of this system as required. The selection of appropriate components is also presented in the paper as a guide

    Research challenges in applying intelligent wireless sensors in the oil, gas and resources industries

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    The monitoring of oil, gas and resources plant performance and the operational environment through sensors allows for greater insight into potential safety problems and operational requirements. Such solutions promote a safe and healthy work environment for all stakeholders and optimized operations. Intelligent techniques and the monitoring of key historical operational properties can be used to realize certain characteristics and patterns in operation data. Such solutions may enhance operational visualization, foresight, forecasting and maintenance schedules for effective and efficient operation and maintenance. This optimizes plant safety, production, turnarounds, shutdowns and maintenance and improves error tolerance and recovery.However, the development of robust devices that are able to perform in these remote and hostile requirements along with the intelligent solutions to structure, store, process and retrieve this information are difficult to realize. This paper investigates the use of wireless sensors and the related intelligent solutions in the oil, gas and resource industries

    The Critical Success Factors for Implementation of CRM and Knowledge Management in a Work Setting

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    Customer Relationship Management is the most vigorous tools in our era and is the integration of trust, business and technology to gratify the requirements of the clients. CRM is a strategy of dealing with people, technology and process and need to be implemented precisely. CRM is the most outstanding business strategy that consolidates internal procedures and externals to generate and convey value to the spotted customers and CRM can easily neutralize competitive perils, provide a good source of roadmap for the company and customers. Moreover it may clarify the potential pitfalls in creating success for the company.CRM involves validating and evaluating critical success factors, which cover the three perspectives of CRM as the theoretical base, and which constitute a guide for companies in the implementation of the applications. Due to this, the desired benefits have intensified customer satisfaction and maintenance, by generating personalized products and value-added services. In this paper, the author investigates the factors that can positively leverage the implementation and use of CRM and creates differentiation among these factors and knowledge management factors. What is more, the paper aims at determining technical feature between CRM and knowledge management and managed to compare KM with CRM successfully

    Towards a software component ontology

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    Research has shown that component-based software engineering leads to software that exhibits higher quality, shorter time-tomarket and therefore, lower development cost. However, the development of component-based systems has been widely plagued with problems surrounding the integration of third-party components. Currently, software developers are forced to rely on ambiguous definitions of a component's services. There is no easy to understand protocol for defining how third-party componentsand component compositions are described and integrated into systems. Most vendors specify their components' services in a proprietary or context dependant fashion. This makes it difficult to clearly understand a component's services, their use and their operational pre and post conditions. Software Engineering ontologies define common sharable software engineering knowledge. They explicitly define software engineering concepts, their relationships and their interactions. In this paper, we propose a Software Component Ontology that specifically defines a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization in the domain of software component engineering. We propose the use of our software component ontology as the basis for the development of future component compositions and component based applications

    VoIP: Making Secure Calls and Maintaining High Call Quality

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    Modern multimedia communication tools must have high security, high availability and high quality of service (QoS). Any security implementation will directly impact on QoS. This paper will investigate how end-to-end security impacts on QoS in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The QoS is measured in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms, no security and just the use of IP firewalls in Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN). The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth availability and encryption algorithm used. The implementation of any encryption algorithm in low bandwidth environments degrades the voice quality due to increased loss packets and packet latency, but as bandwidth increases encrypted VoIP calls provided better service compared to an unsecured environment.Les eines modernes de comunicaci贸 multim猫dia han de tenir alta seguretat, alta disponibilitat i alta qualitat de servei (QoS). Cap tipus d驴implementaci贸 de seguretat tindr脿 un impacte directe en la qualitat de servei. En aquest article s驴investiga com la seguretat d'extrem a extrem impacta en la qualitat de servei de veu sobre el Protocol d'Internet (VoIP). La qualitat de servei es mesura en termes de p猫rdua de proporci贸 de paquets, lat猫ncia i jitter utilitzant diferents algoritmes d驴encriptaci贸, sense seguretat i nom茅s amb l'煤s de tallafocs IP en local i en xarxes d'脿rea 脿mplia (LAN i WAN). Els resultats de les proves de laboratori indiquen que l'impacte general sobre el rendiment de VoIP dep猫n de la disponibilitat d'ample de banda i l'algorisme de xifrat que s'utilitza. La implementaci贸 de qualsevol algorisme de xifrat en entorns de baix ample de banda degrada la veu a causa de l'augment de la p猫rdua de paquets i lat猫ncia dels paquets de qualitat, per貌 quan l'ample de banda augmenta les trucades de VoIP xifrades proporcionen un millor servei en comparaci贸 amb un entorn sense seguretat.Las herramientas modernas de comunicaci贸n multimedia deben tener alta seguridad, alta disponibilidad y alta calidad de servicio (QoS). Ning煤n tipo de implementaci贸n de seguridad tendr谩 un impacto directo en la calidad de servicio. En este art铆culo se investiga como la seguridad de extremo a extremo impacta en la calidad de servicio de voz sobre el Protocolo de Internet (VoIP). La calidad de servicio se mide en t茅rminos de p茅rdida de proporci贸n de paquetes, latencia y jitter utilizando diferentes algoritmos de encriptaci贸n, sin seguridad y s贸lo con el uso de cortafuegos IP en local y en redes de 谩rea amplia (LAN y WAN). Los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio indican que el impacto general sobre el rendimiento de VoIP depende de la disponibilidad de ancho de banda y el algoritmo de cifrado que se utiliza. La implementaci贸n de cualquier algoritmo de cifrado en entornos de bajo ancho de banda degrada la voz debido al aumento de la p茅rdida de paquetes y latencia de los paquetes de calidad, pero cuando el ancho de banda aumenta las llamadas de VoIP cifradas proporcionan un mejor servicio en comparaci贸n con un entorno sin seguridad